Steps Forward

In seeking to find a teacher and an Association home, let the light of Truth and Love be your guide and graciously follow the divine leadings, whether you apply here or to another teacher.

Class is a divine idea unfolding in Mind and therefore no human limitations or circumstance can hinder its unfoldment in one’s individual experience.

Being a divine idea, class instruction is divinely authorized, divinely directed, and divinely fulfilled. Spirit's gathering, relating, and associating of His ideas is the fulfillment of Mind's plan and purpose. Those that are to be in the class then are really already gathered as Soul, Spirit has fore-ordained and designed. "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." (Eph 2:10)

Spirit is the only attraction, so there is no other attraction that can draw one away from their God-directed path. None can pluck or be plucked from the Father’s plan, for Spirit and man are one in being. The divine energy of Spirit orders and dovetails all in one symphonic whole, such that the glory of Soul's holy purpose is realized!   

If you have any questions about taking class instruction, you may call (847)220-2089 or email

If you would like to apply, you may download an application or make a phone interview appointment